IPO Deliver

IPO Deliver

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to https://ipodeliver.com/. It is important that you read these carefully. If you have any questions about any of the following terms of service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

please contact us on the following Email address – ipodeliver@gmail.com.

You accept the terms and conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy, by accessing the content of https://ipodeliver.com/. You should leave the Website immediately if you do not agree to any of the terms and conditions

In addition to respecting all laws and regulations applicable to the website, you agree not to use the site for any illegal purpose.

Using the website in a way that can reduce its overall functionality, corrupt or manipulate the content or information or impair its performance is prohibited.

If you believe there is sensitive information on the website or its server, you agree not to compromise the security of the website or attempt to gain access to secured areas of the website.

By continuing to use the website, you agree to fully accept responsibility for all claims, expenses, losses, liabilities, costs and legal fees arising from any infringement of the terms and conditions in this agreement.

It is strictly prohibited to reproduce or distribute in any form, whether online or offline. It is the property of https://ipodeliver.com/ to include the images, logos, text, and other information on the website.

Disclaimer :

Despite our efforts to keep the information on our site as up-to-date as possible, some information may be slightly outdated in some cases, even though we strive to be completely accurate.

Any changes or corrections to the information on https://ipodeliver.com/ may be made without notice at any time.

Our Terms and Conditions of Use may be changed or revised at any time without prior notice.